We believe that through outdoor recreation and public access, people will have a greater appreciation for their surroundings. That's why, with the help of the Jacoby Creek Land Trust, many landowners have generously opened up their properties to share with the public.
Kokte Ranch
Located at 2182 Old Arcata Road in Bayside, the 63 acre Kokte Ranch and Nature Preserve is the heart of the JCLT. Once a dairy farm, Kokte now serves as a demonstration project in fulfillment of the trust's mission. To support community-based sustainable agriculture, 50 acres of pasture are dedicated to raising grass fed beef cattle which JCLT sells as an ongoing fundraising effort. Caudal Fin Farm provides healthy produce to the community through its Community Supported Agriculture shares. Our partners and projects also support the trust's conservation mission: Humboldt Wildlife Care Center / Bird Ally X rehabilitates injured and orphaned animals at this site until they are healthy and mature enough to re-release into the wild; an off-channel pond seasonally connected to Jacoby Creek provides winter habitat for coho and chinook salmon as well as steelhead; and JCLT has restored the riparian area along Jacoby Creek with public access via a half mile nature path located close the entrance. Follow the signs for the nature path and please leave your pets at home. Our nature path is open from sunrise to sunset.

Jacoby Creek - South Quarry Forest
This 60 acre holding is accessible from both Jacoby Creek and South Quarry Roads and offers 1/3 miles of developed trails for outdoor recreation. Jacoby Creek cuts through the middle of the property and visitors can follow the trails to the banks of the creek to look for macroinverbrates, amphibians, and native fish. The second growth redwood forest supports a wide array of native plants (from wild ginger to huckleberry) and native animals (from owls to black bears). Please stick to the developed trails when you visit to avoid vegetation damage created by social trails.
Lois Lucchesi Forest Preserve
The Lois Lucchesi Forest Preserve is 20 acres of second growth redwood trees that is accessible to the public by way of easement across privately held land. The easement protects a 150-ft-wide riparian corridor across Jacoby Creek and the forest provides opportunities for recreation, scientific research, and conservation. The area does not include any developed trails, so please tread with care and leave pets at home. As the property is accessed by crossing private land, please be respectful and introduce yourself to anyone you might see when enjoying the property.